El Proyecto WorkSource Sun Valley (EPWS) “Provides a One-Stop Job Preparation, Skills development-Training, Job Placement, Job Transition and Job Retention Services to 18 and older residents. Staffing services are provided in collaboration with business-employers to assist businesses that are experiencing challenges in finding qualified candidates. EPWS will identify local residents that are job ready, and match the skill sets required in occupational growth sectors.
El Proyecto WorkSource Center Sun Valley
9024 Laurel Canyon Blvd., Sun Valley, CA 91352
Telephone: (818) 504-0334 | TTY: 711
Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00 am-5:00 pm, Evening and Saturday hours by appointment
LA Mission Campus
Program Director:
Magdalena Duran
Email: mduran@wscalnetwork.org
Public Access to Career Resource Center
Customer driven so you can tailor your job search to individual goals
Labor Market, current occupational hiring trends
Use of Technology-computers on line job search
Wegner Peyser Cal Jobs Registration
Unemployment Insurance telephonic and on line link
Social, health and other service referrals to resolve hiring and job retention challenges
Workforce Innovation Oppurtunity Act (WIOA)-LA City WorkSource System Orientation-Information
Pre-Screen Assess Employability Goals
Jobs LA Registration- WIOA Enrollment
Basic/Occupation Skill Assessment
Basic Skills Development; job readiness activities, GED High School diploma, soft skills
Job Goal Preparedness Sessions
Career planning assistance, employment planning
Career coaching
Certified and industry recognized skill development
Occupational Sector Networking Job seekers, employer On site sessions
Skill Training- Growth Occupations
Job Development
Employment Hiring Opportunity Events-Sector Job Fair-Expos
Job Retention-Career Path Assistance (One Year Post Job Placement)
Services Funded by the City of Los Angeles, Workforce Development Board- Economic Workforce Development Department (EWDD).
8932 Woodman Avenue
Arleta, CA 91331
Phone: (818) 810-3500
Fax: (818) 221-3750
Email: ContactUs@ElProyecto.us
We conduct more than 175,000 office visits with patients each year
Our quality of care is well above the state average
We’ve helped underserved populations since 1971